About Us
We're passionate about making the outdoors beautiful and healthy!

Welcome to The Garden Shed!
Planning a dream garden? Looking for the perfect perennial for your perennial border? Wondering why your hydrangeas won't bloom? Want to know what flowers to plant to attract the birds and bees to your garden? You've come to the right place!
We are here to help you solve the problems of your existing gardens and inspire you to create new gardens perfect for your home.
Be sure to visit us often since we are continually adding new articles on the best plants and gardening practices for you.

Daniel Petersen
Daniel Petersen
Dan has been in the Green industry most of his life. A young entrepreneur at age eleven, he started cutting grass in his neighborhood, and that evolved into an eventual passion for landscape design and outdoor living construction. Dan had a Japanese Maple nursery in the Atlanta area for several years and then moved to Nashville in 2006 where he currently runs his company. Dan continues to couple his knowledge of landscaping and creative design into his love for land development and home construction.